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The club for runners in Saratoga Springs, NY

Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 US

Grand Prix Races

The Saratoga Stryder's Grand Prix is designed to encourage more participation in club events through friendly competition and volunteer activities.

You don't have to be the fastest to participate or win a prize at the end of the year.  
The more you race, the more points you can earn.  Plus, you get to be in more Saratoga Stryder Club photos!

Welcome to the Saratoga Stryders Grand Prix for 2025! 

What’s New - 
  • Volunteering is still an important part of being a Stryder. This year, you only need 1 volunteer activity to qualify for an end of the year award.  Now you can earn one point for each volunteer activity- up to 10 points  Thanks for helping out!
  • More opportunities to participate in races/events  
  • Simplified the scoring process with less questions to answer.
  • More Fun Available!
  • Grand Prix (GP) RACES are scored 10, 8, 6 points for the top 3. 4 points for all others!
  • Special Events (SE) are races worth 2 points for all participants
  • Marathon and Ultra races are worth 3 points - you earned it!!
  • Bonus 2 points for Stryder TEAM events 
    • First Day 5k, Global Running Day and Too Dark to Run in the Park
  • Bonus 2 points for a Club Donation with Virtual Runs in March and April
  • Volunteering - Earn one point for each activity up to 10 points. One Activity Required 


ANYOne Marathon / UltraSE 3pts
ANY2nd Marathon / UltraSE 3pts
01/01/2025First Day 5KSE 4pts
01/01/2025Any other New Year's RaceSE
January-MarchAny Snowshoe RaceSE
MarchVIRTUAL Race in March w/DonationSE 4pts
MarchVIRTUAL Race in MarchSE
03/29/2025Run 4 Your LifeSE
AprilVIRTUAL Race in April w/DonationSE 4pts
AprilVIRTUAL Race in AprilSE
04/26/2025Bacon Hill 5K   $2 off coupon STRYDER25SE
04/26/2025Bacon Hill 10K  $2 off coupon STRYDER25GP
05/03/2025Have a Drink on MeSE
05/31/2025Run For WomenSE
JUNEANY Race in JuneSE
06/12/2025Route 50 MileGP
07/04/2025Firecracker 4GP
07/12/2025Silks And Satins 5kSE
PENDINGCamp Saratoga #1SE
PENDINGCamp Saratoga #5GP
09/07/2025Malta 5KGP
09/27/2025Great Pumpkin Challenge 5K OR 10KSE
10/04/2025 Pitney Farm 5kSE
PENDNGToo Dark to Run in the ParkBONUS 2pts
11/02/2025Fall Back 5GP
11/27/2025Chris Dailey Turkey TrotGP
11/27/2025ANY Other Turkey TrotSE

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